Thursday, August 17, 2006

Happy Housewarming!

Just what we need...a little puppy to pee on our brand new floors and chew up all the furniture! But, how can you resist? We picked out the new baby (the four legged kind) two weekends ago when we were up in PA.
He is 6 weeks in these pictures. He will become a Texan when he returns with us after our Labor day trip up north for the Steele-Pineda Wedding.

The kitchen, at long last

For whatever reason, the pictures of the kitchen have not wanted to post on the blog until now. And, even now, I had to load them a few times. Perhaps I am shedding some light onto why I only get around to this every month or so ;-)

Well, here it is. We are still missing some things, the backsplash in particular. When we get there that will be my debut in tile work. Nothing like starting with the centerpiece of the house!

Before and After

Still a bit of a disaster zone, but slowly progressing into a habitable and workable space.

The mystery room

I suppose we are blessed to live in a house with so many rooms, but it can be challenging as well. We are out of beds, so we had to get a bit creative with the upstairs bedroom. This is our mystery room. It is kind of like an informal office area, which is good considering the mess that we call the office...

His, Hers and Theirs

This would be his...
This, hers...
And finally, theirs.

Progress made in the Master

I am sure most everyone who had been checking this blog for the first few months has now quit seeing as though it has been over a month since we posted anything. Well, the lull has been due to part laziness and part minimal progress. The house is starting to come together and feel like home, but the changes are subtle and sometimes seem silly to post. Plus, we want to leave some "wow" factor for when you come and see it in real life (probably all just excuses, but we're going with it for now...)

Here is a look at the master bath...

We are still missing some trim work in here, but that should be done in the next week or two. Below you can see the master bedroom. We are still lacking furniture in here. The room is immense and I am not sure what we are going to fill it with.
Here is our little window seat. We need to have a cushion made for it but again, we haven't gotten that far. For now we have just thrown a bunch of pillows on it.